It has been noticed that activation fails if there are multiple copies of Office installed on your system.Ī. Check if you have signed in using the Microsoft account associated with Office which you had used to buy the subscription.Ģ. Now open the Microsoft Office app and check whether the error is fixed. You can also search for OSPPREARM.exe in your C drive.ĩ. Click on Yes if you are prompted by UAC.Ĩ. Once you have located the file, just Right-click on the OSPPREARM.exe file and select Run as administrator. Note: – If you still cannot find the file, go to the location given below and find it thereĬ:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\OfficeSoftwareProtectionPlatformħ. If you have a 32-bit installation of Office on a 64-bit OS, go to the location below:Ĭ:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office16 Depending on your Office installation, go to the following location for Program FilesĬ:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office16
Here you can see two Program Files folders.Ħ.